Basic regulate
Regulator with build-in sensor and warning light, supply a 0-10V output signal for a fan, damper or other equipment.
BasicRegulate has a green LED when operating and a red LED warning light which can be used for filter monitoring (if a pressure switch is connected) or for monitoring Tacho signal or rpm from an Ecmotor / ventilator. If tacho/rpm or pressure switch is not connected a jumper must be inserted between GND and RPM.
Standard setting is minimum output 2V. This can be altered by simultaneously pressing down arrow up/down buttons for 30sec. until both operating and warning LED flashes. The minimum output can now be adjusted up or down using the arrow up/down buttons. The lowest LED represents 0V, Note it is the third LED which is lit as it represents 2V. The output voltage can be adjusted up to 9V, each step representing 1V. Output is regulating up towards 10V when any of the measured values for either temperature or CO exceeds the accordingly belonging set- 2 point. BasicRegulate uses the widely used ABC algorithm, which ensures long life without calibration.
Special for ventilation systems with EC-motors or dampers. Micro-prossesor controlled selectable
High quality and low price. Easy installation